Monday, January 31, 2011

Not Much

So I realize I haven't posted anything in a few days, but I really haven't been doing anything all that interesting to read about. I've spent a majority of my time in libraries reading and writing papers. I have a ton of work, which is fine because that is what I signed up for and I enjoy doing. Still, it's a lot of work. Well, fun for me, boring for reading about.

Wednesday I went to the Duke Humfrey library, which is a gorgeous room. It's wear they keep all the really old books in cabinets, and I mean, hundreds of years old. Plus the map room, which is what I was there for. It's kept pretty dark, especially after the sun goes down, and it's made of dark wood and the ceiling is very intricate. And for those of you who don't care about ancient books, it's also the Harry Potter library. Awesome, though the Hogwarts effect dies when you see half the desks stacked with computers and cellophane, but still a very cool room. No bags, pens or cameras allowed though, and since my cell phone makes a loud shutter noise for pictures, not sure if I'll be able to get any pictures.

Thursday relaxed a little and tried to avoid burnout. Some people did a Harry Potter reading where they read the 4th book outloud. It was entertaining, but I really wasn't into it and left after the first chapter. When it comes to books I want to read, not be read to. There were two guys from St. Peters there who all the girls were crowding. No idea how they coordinated what time to be here with them. Went back to the common room later and wound up talking with people till 4am. Lot of fun, but I definitely did not make it to breakfast Friday morning. Spent the day doing homework, and at night was our JCR (Junior Common Room) party. Helped set up for that, moving the table we used for pong was a little scary, but we got it done. Almost everyone showed up at some point, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I know I really had a good time. Afterwards went to St. Peters to hang out with people, stayed till closing and then came back. We played truth or dare while we were there, so I got to tell about TPing Blair's house for my turn. Hung out in the common room for a while after getting back. Stayed up kinda late again.

Saturday was mostly a work day. There was a bop, but I decided not to go. Too much stuff to get done and I didn't want to have to cram it all in. Plus it was pretty cold out and I was in a stay inside mood. Did go down at midnight when it was over and people were just getting back. Heard some pretty funny stories, like someone making out with one of the guys who was here on Thursday for over an hour on the dance floor. She's still getting crap for that one. Around 12:30am we put O Brother Where Art Thou? on, think there were about 9 of us. Most of us were tired, so we fastfowarded quite a few parts to get to the ones we wanted. After that most people went to bed, I stayed up talking with Alix, Katie, and Jason. Around 3:30 someone decided to put Beauty and the Beast on, at which point I left cause I really needed to go to bed.

Sunday was mostly a work day. Got up late of course, but after brunch spent like 4 hours in the library, and then did more work here after dinner. Had our first official JCR committee meeting at 9pm, for which almost everyone remembered to show up. Got the rest of the year sort of lined up. Came back to my room to work, and gave into peer pressure a little later and went back to the common room. Got a little work done there, spent more time talking to Alix and watching Return of the Jedi. Fortunately it was close to the end, Luke was meeting the emperor when I got there, and I stayed till a little past the end when my laptop battery died. It hasn't been lasting more than an hour lately, but somehow last night when I planned on it dying early it actually made like and hour and a half. Technology. Spent this morning finishing my paper, and then had colloquium where we talked about More's Utopia that we had to read. I had most of it done. Really haven't got much done tonight, hopefully a little reading. So not a whole lot to read about, but a busy week for me.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Oxford. I really miss it, and all my duckies too.

    EC is doing well, we're about to get a blizzard so consider yourself lucky to be missing the fun of watching people struggle with "should we cancel school?" "Should I go to class if they don't cancel school?!" /cry /gnash teeth "Oh no! We have to think thoughts and make decisions!!"
