Thursday, February 17, 2011

Papers Papers Papers

Yay putting this off. So Tuesday was a pretty good day. Had breakfast and read till my tutorial. I did kind of miss the question, but overall she said I wrote a good essay and then we talked about the Vikings. Lunch was fine, then I wasted time until 2pm, then went down to the Feneley library, which is in this building, to move books. The guys were asked last week if we would help, and all 3 of us did. I had a lot of fun, I like working with books. It was also nice because regularly we aren't allowed in the library, which is rather upsetting. However, it is pretty crowded in there, and the books are pretty tightly packed, so I understand there reasoning. Plus Dr. Crowe and Dr. Wyatt have their desks there, so I guess they would not want people constantly coming in an out. Still, it is a nice room. There are comfy chairs and a couch in the middle, every available surface is lined with books, and there is a faint whiff of pipe smoke from Dr. Feneley's office. Craig got a special job of moving small books in boxes up to the lecture hall since he couldn't stay long, while Jason and I got to move books in the main area. In order to make room on the very end for a new collection they just bought, the entire library needed to be shifted left. That was our job. For the first few we had to figure out the system and put them in order, but after the first few shelves the rest were in the right place so we just had to move them, making sure to leave a gap here and there so new books could be added to the collection. After an hour and a half Jason had to leave, while I stayed. For a little bit I worked alone, then Dr. Crowe started helping by handing me books. After a little bit Dr. Wyatt got bored and started looking for anyway she could to help us. I really had a good time. Some of those books hadn't been moved in a long time too, they were covered in dust and my hands were pretty dirty. I really had a good time then, I don't know why. Craig came back to help for the last 10 minutes, and then it was time for the library to close. Got farther than they planned, but there still is more left to do, so they'll probably ask us back sometime to finish.

After that went to dinner, and then the Camera to study. Got pretty far through one book, though I really didn't like it. The author focused more on areas' situations in the nineties and recent history rather than focusing on the medieval aspect that it was supposed to. Came back and relaxed for the rest of the night. Actually went to bed at a decent time, to Alix's dismay.

Yesterday I spent most of the day working on my Medieval Travel Writers paper. Worked on my seminar stuff before class, it was not very impressive. Dr. Philpott was not very happy with it, if his comments on it are any indication. I really need to work on that paper more.

After lunch I went back to the Camera, then came back and worked on my paper after dinner. Dinner was sad. It was pizza with sweet peppers, onions and chicken, which was good, but that was all there was. Not very satisfying. Wasted an hour or so watching the new episode of Glee off my computer with Alix and Lauren, Kiri came in a little bit in. Then it was back to my paper. It was actually longer than I was planning to be, and I was finished around midnight. Very good. Stupidly stayed up reading the Once and Future King, finally finished the third book though. Only one more to go.

Today I got some work done. Not as much as I should have, but some. Edited my paper after breakfast, actually made a lot of changes. Tutorial was fun, Alun and I talked about how obscure and little is known about Mandeville, and how some of the authors about him were idiots.

After lunch went to Sainsburys to buy cheese and crackers so I could do laundry. I get weird looks when I ask for 10p. Came back and planned to get work done, but I spent more time playing video games. I did find books from the Feneley to get and requested those, so at least got that done.

Dinner was surprising. The main course was half a chicken. A small chicken, but still, half a chicken. Like, when he started picking the whole thing up, I really couldn't believe it. Then there were potatoes and salad. Quite a few people weren't there, they were invited to formal hall. After coming back I wasted more time, and got like, 5 minutes of work done. Went down to the common room to write this, and spent more time talking and watching Skins. Not a very good show. Then came down to the lecture hall to annoy people who are working. Hysterical, and little depressing. Not going to name names, since they have threatened me if I transcribe any part of the conversation. At this point, I've pretty much got them all against me, so I'm going to bed soon. Can only take so much harassment.

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