Monday, February 21, 2011

Busy Days


I'd like to say I was super productive today, but not really. I got some work done though. I went to the Ashmolean to look at the Alfred Jewel and other parts of the Anglo-Saxon exhibit, then went over to the Sackler to read about what I had just seen, which was pretty fun. Actually utilizing a museum and library that are right next door to each other, one of the awesome aspects of Oxford. Today I ate like a traditional Englishman as well. For lunch I had fish and chips (french fries), and I actually liked it since I really don't care for fish. Though I do think it helped that the fist was so breaded that you could barely taste the fish. Then for dinner I had Bubbles & Squeak, which I have mixed feelings about. The first couple bites didn't taste bad, but I got sick of it really quick. Fortunately I got other things to eat, cause I didn't finish it, and when I got backed I looked up what it is. Fried cabbage and potatoes, which St. Peter's had then topped with bacon and cheese. Something I do not intend to get again. Otherwise this Friday has been a pretty relaxing day. Going to head down to the common room with my guidebook to look up places I want to visit.

Append: While in the common room, I was asked if I wanted to go to London tomorrow with Lauren N. and a couple other girls, to which I said yes. We're leaving at 8am, and it is now after 1. This'll be fun.


My first unofficial trip to London. I will preface with my usual, I dislike cities. Too close, cramped, smelly, and they just make me uncomfortable. Still, I had a good time. I brought homework with me, "for the bus ride" I said. I don't know who I was trying to kid more, myself or the people I went with. I fell asleep within half an hour, and since the ride took about 2 hours, so I got a nice nap. It was me, Brenna, Lauren N., and Sarah who went, and I think we were all pretty tired going that early.

When we arrived there was a little bit of confusion about where to go, but they figured it out. I just followed along, which was a good thing cause the underground totally confused me. Would have taken me a lot longer to figure out on my own. We went to Harrods first, which is a massive department store. Only been in an equivalent once or twice in my life. Also made me feel like a little kid, where I had to keep my hands in my pockets the whole time so I didn't accidentally break anything. The first floor was okay, mostly women's accessories like purses and jewelry. There was a Tiffany's, Cartiens, and others that we stared at in awe for a little bit. Pretty sure the salespeople thought we were sketchy from their looks. Also saw a watch for over twelve thousand pounds (12000), at which point I slowly backed away from the glass. Fortunately we breezed through quickly to get to the food section, the best part of the whole store. It was rooms of all different varieties of foods. The grocery sections were definitely overpriced, like items I've seen at Sainsburys here in Oxford for half the Harrods price. But it was the Tea and Candy sections that were the best. So much to choose from, and so expensive. We stopped back on the way out to buy stuff. I got a tin of tea, decent price for a good drink and a souvenir. I think the other three all got tea too, though I know at least one person got chocolate.

After paroozing the food sections (not a smart thing to do when you haven't had breakfast, BTW), we went upstairs. The second floor was clothing, mostly women's. On the way out we did stop in a men's section for a little bit, I think on the same floor. Anyway, the women's section was crazy. The stuff that bragged about being cheap still cost several hundred GBP, and there was only one of each item on the racks. It was crazy. The girls joked about going to the lingerie section, expecting it to make me uncomfortable. Unfortunately I've already done Victoria's Secret with Anna and Ashley, so that would have been nothing new. We skipped it though. The third floor was more clothes, though these were more street wear and a little cheaper. Note the adjective "little." There was also a travel section, and the Harrods Cafe, which we had planned to eat at, but since afternoon tea was like 30 pound, we decided not to.

The fourth floor was as high as we could go, employees only for the top floor, or at least from the staircase we were using. I also think I've joined or left out a floor. There numbering system combined with the size of the place really had me confused. Anyway, on the topmost floor we went to, there were some very pretty and extremely expensive glass figurines and other luxury goods. Basically things you'll never need and rarely use that you pay out the rear for. Then there was the Pet Kingdom. Best part of the store. It had all the stuff for spoiling your animal and turning it into an accessory instead of a pet, and that I made fun of. But there were some dog toys that said London, and I almost got one for Kanik, till I saw the price tag and thought about how long he'd play with it. But the best part was they had puppies! It was so cute to see them running around, and there were two ugly pugs who just sat together on their bed and stared at you. It was adorable. There were also hamsters for sale. Now these weren't the $10 teddy bear hamsters you get from Jims. They were Syrian hamsters, and the cheapest was 50 GBP. Then the cheapest cage was over a hundred pounds and huge. Still a fun place to window shop.

After that we went looking for a place to eat, found a chain restuarant called EAT. I got a steak and cheese sandwich which I paid to have toasted, such a good decision. Also got a honey and vanilla smoothie. Not as smart a choice. I guzzled it to not taste it as much. The girls then required that I pick the next place since we had spent the morning in a department store. Would have preferred to go to a park, but since it was raining I didn't think they would appreciate that. Instead picked the National Gallery, and thanks to England being awesome, because it was a museum it was free.

On the way there we stopped at a souvenier shop, some pretty random stuff. The condom rack with "I [heart] London," ripped off Vegas sayings and "My First Condom" was probably the most hysterical. Almost bought a couple of things, but decided I really didn't need a London zippo, especially when it said made in China.

When we go to the gallery there we checked our bags (also free, so great), it felt so good to have my coat and bag off. My left shoulder was killing me. We walked around for a couple of hours, the building is amazing. Huge, gorgeous architecture, very confusing. The Sainsbury wing had these monstrous stairs, but we saw those at the end and were too tired to explore where they went. Saw some amazing pieces of art, though Brenna and Lauren were definitely more in to it than Sarah and I. Saw Da Vinci, Van Gogh, other people who's names I don't remember. My favorite paintings were definitely the nature scenes, a tiger crouching in the grass, ships sailing from an ancient city, Van Dyck's portrait of a Duke English explorer. My favorite artist was Raphael. His paintings were the brightest and most vivid. Also for some reason his depiction of the Crucifixion made me think of Summer at St. John's and Grandma's. I have no idea why.

By about 4ish we were all pretty wiped, though we kept going a while longer. Around dusk I started feeling this really weird homesick feeling. I blame being in a city though, since I generally feel the same way when I'm in downtown Chicago at that time too. When we finally finished around 5, we got our stuff, then went to the cafe for drinks. I got breakfast tea, tasted great and helped wake me up. One thing, around Oxford there's a garbage can on almost every corner, in London it took forever to find one. We walked over to Big Ben, then past it and over London Bridge, which is actually very modern. The one with the spires that is famous and people generally think of as London Bridge is actually Tower Bridge. Beside the point. We sat on the other side by the Thames for awhile, sitting on a wet bench while it misted, talking and playing with cameras. Think we were sitting in front of the Aquarium with the front lit up and constantly changing colors, right by the London Eye.

Eventually we decided to head for home, we were all really tired. Taking the underground back ot where we started wasn't a problem, but figuring out where the bus was supposed to pick us up involved a lot of confusion and walking in circles for several blocks. Fine normally, but when you've been on your feet all day and shoulder hurts from a messenger bag, rather sad. We finally found it though, and were the first ones on, so we got to sit up top in the front row. A very cool view, especially as we headed out of the city. We talked for a while, and then as we hit reached the highway and it was only dark countryside, we started listening to our own music. I faded in and out for most of the ride, though I don't think I every fully fell asleep. We got back to Oxford around 8:30, about 12 hours since we left, a lot more tired and our pockets much lighter.

Made it back to the dorm, and came up here to relax. I ate some of the cheese and crackers I bought the other day, and vegged for a couple of hours. Made plans to talke to home later, then around 10 went over to the Bop (still no idea what that is supposed to mean). Everyone was already pretty much there already, spent the first few minutes in the bar area talking, which was fine with me, then we went over the dance room/floor. Danced there for about 45min, then about the time I was planning to go other people started to leave, so I tagged along with them. Pretty much the London group plus a few others.

After getting back took my laptop down to the Lecture Hall to video chat with home, which was fun. Waved a glowstick around the entire time. Then I went up to the common room where they were watching Seventeen Again, so I only stayed for a little while. Then went over the kitchen, talked with Alix, Jason and Lauren M. for sometime, then finally had to give in and go to sleep. Very long, busy, unproductive day.


Got up for brunch, then went to the Camera to download a couple articles from their database and came back to print them. Tried working, but my work ethic was dead and I had no patience for things. For instance, my pen was acting up and after several hours of dealing with it I really lost my patience and broke it. Only 3 left, really need to either look into getting more or be more careful. Or just write less. Still, didn't get much work done during the day.

After dinner had the JCR meeting, where we spent most the time discussing the Murder Mystery party for this Friday. Should be fun. Went with Laura to print off the stuff we would need, then came back up here to talk with home again. That was enjoyable. Then ran to St. Peter's to look at a book quick, came back and just decided to go to bed. Could barely keep my eyes open.


There were 5 CMRS people at breakfast this morning. Me, Alix and Zoe at first, and Susan and Jen joined us a little later. Still, really weird.

Spent most the day working on my Alfred paper, even skipped lunch for it. It's not bad, but I definitely would be more proud of it if I had done more research. Anyway, my brain hates me. Had a lecture shortly after I e-mailed it in on Luther, Images and the Reformation. Fortunately it was short and to the point, cause I really don't know if I could have focused for longer than an hour. Relaxed a little after, then went to dinner. I've accomplished very little since then. Gotten things organized and cleaned up a little, hopefully get some reading done. Hopefully going to bed early tonight. We'll see.

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